I ended up in CrossFit because my Mother-in-law and my sister-in-law were members and would talk about how much they loved Wreck Room. Then my other sister-in-law asked me if I would want to check it out with her because she was interested as well. I knew I needed something different in my workout routine and I needed something to push me out of my comfort zone. I called Butch, came in on a Friday to workout with everyone and was instantly hooked.
When I heard the word “CrossFit”, I immediately felt intimidated and nervous. After I had met a few of the coaches, members and done a few workouts, I realized that CrossFit wasn’t as intimidating as I first thought. Everyone at Wreck Room is so encouraging and helpful. It’s a great atmosphere to be a part of.
I have many goals at Wreck Room. I want to better myself in many ways. One of my goals that I was proud to hit was the 15’ rope climb! I started off with pull-ups, then made my way to the big rope but was only going as high as 10’. My goal was to hit the 15’ and I finally did it! It’s the first time I have ever climbed a rope in my life.
My goals right now are to string together my toes to bar. I can only get 1 or 2 unbroken right now. I am also working on my first strict pull-up. I have definitely improved but I am not quite there yet.
Ever since I started I feel way more energetic and my confidence definitely has increased in the past few months. I am doing things that I never imagined I could do before. I’d look at a WOD and doubt myself or think I was never going to finish it. Now I know I am capable of much more! Before Wreck Room, I was always dreading my workouts and now I look forward to going to the gym every day.
A lot has changed since I have started. My strength and endurance have improved immensely. I have never liked running and thanks to CrossFit it has made me a better runner and I don’t completely dislike now. Also, my mindset about CrossFit has changed. I used to think CrossFit was intimidating and for bodybuilders. But not at Wreck Room. My views have definitely changed that CrossFit is pretty awesome and everyone should try it, at least once.
Oh there’s so many great Wreck Room moments to choose from. Anytime we have a social event at the gym, anytime someone PRs or is finishing a workout and we cheer them on, when Colin dances during a workout, building friendships with the amazing people that go there, the list could go on!
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