Tony loves happy hour with his co-workers and Stacy is shuttling her kids around every night.
We opened this gym in 2014 to help people. The help we provide ranges from physical to mental to emotional. We make it a point to get to know every member personally: where they work, what makes them laugh, what sports their children play. It’s extremely important to us and allows us to help you best.
Tony is one of those guys who played a ton of sports all his life. Stacy had always been a runner and did more 5ks than she can count. Something changed for both of them in the mid-20s – their priorities. Tony decided happy hour after work a few days per week was more fun and easy to do. What Tony didn’t see happening was his health dropping and his bank account diminishing. There is no return on investment at the bar! Stacy got married and had kids. Like most mothers her top priority is family but she quickly realized there was no time or herself.
Priorities change all the time and certain ones will always remain at the top. Is your health near the top of your priority list? Imagine if Tony didn’t go out to eat and drink as much he would have way more time and money to focus on working out and eating better. Stacy suffers from not having a “Third Place” which is typically a hobby or a sport where she doesn’t get the opportunity work on her own well-being and find new social circles. It’s never an easy adjustment to make but people do it all the time. We see it daily. We just need to draw the road map there.
Know anyone who needs 150 new friends or a new hobby?
Tell him or her to stop by the gym and tell us their story.
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