What is at the root of being Happier, Healthier, and Better?
Well that answer is different for everyone but for the majority of us it was a time when we exercised consistently and ate pretty well.
At some point in the last few years you reached out to us but for some reason we never had a chance to work together. It happens, we get it.
Some of you found out about us through a Facebook ad about a 6-week challenge. Others found out about us because they had an “ah-ha” moment and started doing research on Google and we popped up. Some of you even had a friend of a friend of a friend who worked out here and you saw something on their social media so maybe you went down that rabbit hole of CrossFit a little bit.
Regardless of why there was contact you thought for at least a second “this may be the solution to my problem” then you either changed your mind or something came up.
What sort of problems do we hear the most: (think about which one most applies to you)
- You’re bored at your current gym doing the same things every day. It’s not fun anymore.
- What you are doing isn’t working anymore. You have plateaued.
- You have no motivation to work out.
- You want to tone up and know you need to lift weights to do it but don’t know how.
- You are new to the area and don’t really know a lot of people.
- You want and need accountability.
- You work out regularly but don’t know anything about nutrition.
- You want to work out in a group.
- As a female you feel uncomfortable in the weight room at a regular gym.
Once you’ve read through this list, do me a favor and drop a comment with a number corresponding to which one (or multiple) that applies to you the most.