My name is Suz and I wanna talk to you about what my why’s are for CrossFit.
So, I’ve been at Wreck Room CrossFit in Glen Burnie for three and a half years and prior to that running was my only source of exercise, anywhere from 5Ks to full marathons. And as much as I love running and as much fun as running is to do, well I guess I should say at least for me, I’m sure there are folks out there who would disagree with that. I needed to find something that was not as routine as running was becoming.
So, I turned to Glen Burnie CrossFit and Nutrition and truth be told, I was skeptical and questioned my sanity a little bit walking in there. I had never lifted weights before and I started this journey a little bit later in life, so I had no idea what to expect, but I did it. And, I have not looked back since. So, here I am now at the age of 45 doing things I never thought would be possible and I have to give a large shout out to the people at the gym because they’re the reason I’ve been able to do the things that I’ve been doing. It’s the coaches and it’s the folks there at the gym who are doing these workouts with you day in and day out. The support and accountability you will get from these folks is bar none.
These folks become your family and you care about them and they care about you just as much inside the gym as outside the gym. I mean it is quite an amazing thing.
CrossFit is a lifestyle change. It’s not just about the weights and the gymnastics and the cardio. It’s about making the right choices and that transcends into your traditional family. I have my husband and my two girls and my sister even. They’re all changing their focus and perspective on health and fitness.
And they’re not looking so much at the number on the scale anymore or what they see in the mirror. It’s more about making healthy choices all around. And that in itself is you know, quite half the battle.
So, the why’s are pretty simple guys. It’s an investment in me. It’s an investment in my family. It’s a chance to be around an amazing group of like-minded people and quite honestly, it’s a chance for me to keep surprising myself.
❗️ ❗️No matter what point you are in your life we can help.
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